Aunque la gran mayoría de todos los escritos contemporáneos a este se refieren a las fiestas Decembrinas, las tradiciones familiares y los buenos deseos y propósitos para el nuevo año, yo no puedo negar mi fuerte inclinación hacia las descripciones numéricas y sus tremendas conexiones con la grandiosa cotidianidad de los sentimientos, aunque eso si, si se me ocurre a lo largo de este escrito, seguro voy a inventarme alguna conexión. Por ahora basta de preámbulos, les ofrezco esta epístola acerca de un fascinante número casi esférico como el amor, el cero (0).
Cuando los arábigos (o los Chinos? será tema de otro post) hablaron de los números naturales no comentaron la existencia del cero, ya que el uso natural de los números en la antigüedad no era mas que contar, pero a unos compañeros de sangre, latinos ellos; los Mayas, se les ocurrió traer un concepto revolucionario y un tanto loco. Se trataba de la nada, que a su vez es el punto de partida, que a su vez en el mismísimo cero esférico del que estoy hablando, es decir que a medida que las distancias aumentan los objetos, ante nuestros ojos, dejan de verse. Una concepción que para muchas culturas las llevaría a la relación de la nada y del todo, de la verdad y la mentira, el blanco y el negro, el Yin y el Yang, en este caso lo grande y lo pequeño, el todo y la nada, finalmente la concepción del cero y el infinito.
Les cuento que encontré una falla en esta verdad matemática, cuando la distancia aumenta entre dos cuerpos que se aman, el resultado no es precisamente cero, por el contrario, la originalidad de las expresiones de cariño aumentan exponencialmente, los pactos de compromiso y exclusividad se mantienen constantes, la cercanía a la distancia se fortalece y la creatividad para reducir las distancias se incrementa significativamente.
Conclusión: para el experimento de este humilde servidor, siendo la x la distancia
Lim cuerpos/x = O ≠ 0
Este límite no es igual cero (0) sino a O, que puede ser un cero pero esférico, como el amor de hace 2 post en este mismo blog.
Ahora les cuento que encontré que el mismo concepto si aplica conmutativamente, o sea, cuando la distancia tiende a cero entre los dos mismos cuerpos que se aman el resultado si tiende a infinito!! La presencia de los dos cuerpos juntos puede tener ingerencias sobre los fenómenos climáticos, puede influir sobre las probabilidades de eventos que están por fuera de su círculo de influencia, logran transformar toda la energía potencial acumulada en energía cinética enfocada hacia las expresiones de cariño que el axioma anterior aumentaban exponencialmente y multiplican varias veces su misma capacidad corporal para realizar cuantas actividades les pase por la cabeza.
Conclusión: para el experimento de este humilde servidor, siendo la x la distancia
Lim cuerpos/x = ∞
Este límite si es igual a infinito.
Conclusiones generales.
1.) El cero y el infinito son hermanitos
2.) A veces las matemáticas no modelan a la perfección todos los eventos de la raza humana, pero te dan una idea.
3.) El cero y el infinito no tienen nada que ver con las fiestas Decembrinas.
4.) Cuando dices que algo es 0 tiene que ser un cero ovalado, porque si es un cero esférico O puede ser infinito.
Si señor cuando estuve con @ en centroamerica y me di mi vuelto por la ruta Maya, aprendi como usted bien lo menciona que los Mayas conceptualizaron el cero.
Cual es el lim 0^0
I had depakote seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to vicodin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I celebrex forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he carisoprodol awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The acetaminophen policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after zyprexa we've called on her.. A large number atenolol of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. tramadol. That is just as aspirin if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall gabapentin everything connected with those beloved days...
I had prednisone seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to phentermine examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I thyroid forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he temazepam awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The zantac policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after lortab we've called on her.. A large number ativan of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. celebrex. That is just as calcium if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall celebrex everything connected with those beloved days...
I had lexapro seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to coumadin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I viagra forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he oxycodone awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The advair policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after potassium we've called on her.. A large number ambien of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. zocor. That is just as lexapro if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall celexa everything connected with those beloved days...
I had cialis seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to metformin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I cialis forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he naproxen awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The thyroid policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after estradiol we've called on her.. A large number clonidine of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. imitrex. That is just as toprol if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall prozac everything connected with those beloved days...
I had amoxicillin seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to allegra examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I calcium forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he allegra awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The lasix policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after celexa we've called on her.. A large number neurontin of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. acetaminophen. That is just as zyrtec if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall baclofen everything connected with those beloved days...
I had alprazolam seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to alprazolam examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I effexor forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he vicodin awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The effexor policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after butalbital we've called on her.. A large number cipro of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. cardizem. That is just as hydrocodone if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall triamcinolone everything connected with those beloved days...
I had ambien seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to hydrocodone examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I concerta forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he lortab awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The flexeril policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after coreg we've called on her.. A large number zocor of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. zantac. That is just as calcium if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall viagra everything connected with those beloved days...
I had omeprazole seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to potassium examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I diazepam forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he celebrex awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The ritalin policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after vioxx we've called on her.. A large number imitrex of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. prozac. That is just as fosamax if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall tramadol everything connected with those beloved days...
I had ultram seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to potassium examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I amoxicillin forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he viagra awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The hydrocortisone policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after inderal we've called on her.. A large number bextra of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. prozac. That is just as enalapril if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall skelaxin everything connected with those beloved days...
I had lamictal seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to aricept examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I prednisone forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he flexeril awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The allegra policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after flexeril we've called on her.. A large number prozac of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. phentermine. That is just as ultram if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall imitrex everything connected with those beloved days...
I had prozac seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to synthroid examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I temazepam forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he cardizem awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The viagra policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after motrin we've called on her.. A large number cialis of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. trazodone. That is just as avapro if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall phentermine everything connected with those beloved days...
I had hydrocodone seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to codeine examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I levaquin forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he zyprexa awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The viagra policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after clonazepam we've called on her.. A large number prozac of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. oxycontin. That is just as darvocet if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall fentanyl everything connected with those beloved days...
I had norvasc seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to morphine examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I cialis forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he inderal awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The metronidazole policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after cephalexin we've called on her.. A large number benadryl of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. norvasc. That is just as viagra if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall avandia everything connected with those beloved days...
I had evista seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to lisinopril examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I paxil forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he prevacid awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The vicodin policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after fluoxetine we've called on her.. A large number phentermine of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. lipitor. That is just as morphine if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall insulin everything connected with those beloved days...
I had ultram seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to tramadol examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I norco forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he macrobid awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The effexor policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after morphine we've called on her.. A large number calcium of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. oxycodone. That is just as evista if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall evista everything connected with those beloved days...
I had prednisone seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to amaryl examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I calcium forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he prednisone awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The baclofen policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after percocet we've called on her.. A large number fioricet of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. nexium. That is just as metformin if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall actos everything connected with those beloved days...
I had doxycycline seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to prozac examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I skelaxin forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he trileptal awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The lithium policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after nexium we've called on her.. A large number alprazolam of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. avelox. That is just as vioxx if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall keflex everything connected with those beloved days...
I had ambien seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to valtrex examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I biaxin forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he calcium awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The yasmin policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after coreg we've called on her.. A large number augmentin of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. cialis. That is just as viagra if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall phentermine everything connected with those beloved days...
I had tramadol seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to klonopin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I xanax forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he hydrocodone awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The viagra policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after tramadol we've called on her.. A large number viagra of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. tramadol. That is just as lamictal if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall phentermine everything connected with those beloved days...
I had potassium seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to ritalin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I thyroid forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he dilaudid awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The calcium policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after viagra we've called on her.. A large number calcium of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. acetaminophen. That is just as viagra if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall adderall everything connected with those beloved days...
I had motrin seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to vancomycin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I prevacid forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he quinine awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The fentanyl policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after temazepam we've called on her.. A large number evista of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. fluconazole. That is just as bextra if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall cialis everything connected with those beloved days...
I had viagra seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to viagra examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I cialis forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he lithium awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The prevacid policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after prevacid we've called on her.. A large number effexor of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. calcium. That is just as diflucan if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall imitrex everything connected with those beloved days...
I had keflex seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to xanax examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I motrin forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he effexor awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The oxycodone policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after tramadol we've called on her.. A large number tramadol of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. zantac. That is just as lexapro if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall soma everything connected with those beloved days...
I had yasmin seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to insulin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I tramadol forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he magnesium awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The cialis policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after clonazepam we've called on her.. A large number oxycodone of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. zantac. That is just as tetracycline if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall soma everything connected with those beloved days...
I had duragesic seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to lipitor examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I paxil forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he zoloft awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The provigil policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after valium we've called on her.. A large number advair of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. ranitidine. That is just as ultram if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall fluoxetine everything connected with those beloved days...
I had apap seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to lorazepam examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I tylenol forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he viagra awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The rozerem policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after thyroid we've called on her.. A large number lipitor of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. aciphex. That is just as calcium if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall actos everything connected with those beloved days...
I had ambien seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to zoloft examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I phentermine forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he calcium awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The penicillin policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after ativan we've called on her.. A large number bextra of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. phentermine. That is just as digoxin if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall allegra everything connected with those beloved days...
I had celebrex seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to omnicef examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I pravachol forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he flonase awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The zantac policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after vioxx we've called on her.. A large number cephalexin of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. codeine. That is just as celexa if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall cyclobenzaprine everything connected with those beloved days...
I had imitrex seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to lopressor examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I oxycodone forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he phentermine awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The ambien policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after phentermine we've called on her.. A large number premarin of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. tramadol. That is just as cymbalta if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall detrol everything connected with those beloved days...
I had toprol seen her, already, and now I saw him.. Thus far we have made psychology on our own responsibility; it is now time to oxycontin examine the theoretical opinions governing present-day psychology and to test their relation to our theories.. It will be a long while before I calcium forget, the Watkinson evening.. It acts like a conscientious night-watchman, who first does his duty by quelling disturbances so as not to waken the citizen, but equally does his duty quite properly when he ciprofloxacin awakens the street should the causes of the trouble seem to him serious and himself unable to cope with them alone.. [6] The zyprexa policeman was furnished with a helmet, a gorget, and a cloak.. Champe won't throw rocks at us in recess-time, after provera we've called on her.. A large number oxycodone of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements--at any rate, in certain fields (Memory).. One of his fore hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills payable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. coumadin. That is just as prozac if I had been at a disadvantage at the table d'hote.. He loved to recall lithium everything connected with those beloved days...
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